B.E.E.P. as investor / entrepreneur

Since the foundation of B.E.E.P. we have been investing in talented founders.

In the early years often even as a co-founder with an executive role in the company itself, mostly part-time basis without remuneration.

The one’s with a separate structure:

Daktuin NV 1991 – 1995
Daktuin (Roofgardens) brought a solution for flat roofs to give some luxury quality extension to homes in inner cities.
Daktuin went broke due to wrong risk assessments of big projects and mismanagement.

Télémedia diffusion 1995 – 1996
Founded as a non-profit organization. Bringing a BBS system based on windows to geeks. We were afraid to jump once the internet started. Stupid of us.

Bigordie bvba 1996 – 2008
Company re-start in the beginning. Delivering art socks by Belgian and Dutch designers. In 2001 added applicated art to the offerings with lamps of Marjan Vrankulj. Stopped because a lack of sustainable profit and a steady demand in combination with high labor cost. Marjan went on with his creations as an artist.

Project.be 1996 – 1998
Started as a non-profit organization to bring community added value to local communities by creating landing pages with crucial information.
This project stopped as we seemed to be years ahead of people’s mind.
https://www.project.be still exist, but rather for activities under the umbrella of B.E.E.P. (360VR pictures and video’s – site building)

DiGiX BVBA (Antwerp) 2010 – 2013
DiGiX focused on proximity technology based on WiFi and Bluetooth. We were testing free WiFi on busses and trains. Still not happening in Belgium.
DiGiX wanted to create a iTunes-like library for long haul cargo vessels. Landing pages for free internet paid by sponsored landing pages.
Undercapitalization with founders fight as a result ended this company.

Dispack Projects NV 2012 – present
Dispack Projects is a technology front runner on disposable kegs. By improving the design for better stacking, adding an automatic pressure relief valve in a one layered PET keg, with 100% recyclable parts it aims for lower CAPEX, a best fit OPEX for distributing beverages on long distances and low rotation. With a better environment footprint in the complete lifecycle compared with the metal kegs it wants to replace. (also created websites  doliumkegs.com and doliumkegs.store)

Cognistreamer NV 2013 – 2016
CogniStreamer helps companies to build and accelerate Innovation Programs, based on flexible Innovation Strategies that help kickstart organization’s innovation journey. Our aim is to achieve an end-to-end approach, from ideation to realization, by leveraging the right ecosystem supported by flexible, collaborative software.
B.E.E.P. realized an exit in 2016 (Sold to EY BENELUX)

Limecraft NV 2015 – present
Limecraft offers ‘off-the-shelf’ workflows for specific formats like scripted TV, documentary and non-scripted entertainment. It is fully customizable to your specific requirements of media asset management, subtitling and localization.

Cloudalize NV 2017 – present
Cloudalize GPU-powered solutions deliver agility, flexibility and security for IIoT, Machine Learning, remote working and more. Cloudalize delivers this solution in a DaaS, CaaS and AaaS way.

Urban Harvest 2017 – present
Solutions for growing leafy crops in a sustainable manner by using hydroponics and vertical farming methods with the latest advancements in LED lighting.

Lucidweb NV – 2018 – present
Lucidweb build solutions upon the WebVR API.
Provide your audiences with a unique URL and make your stories immediately available on the phone, computer and on VR headsets such as cardboard, Oculus Go/Quest/Rift and HTC Vive. There is no need to develop or download any application.